GO! Borderless Opera Lab



Open Call for Borderless Composers!

Piccolo Opera Festival together with European Capital of Culture (ECOC) Nova Gorica – Gorizia 2025 is holding an open call for new compositions, with the aim to give space to new creativity within the 2022 edition of Piccolo Opera Festival and as the opening of GO! Borderless Opera Lab, a new professional training project.


The call is for a new musical work (previously performed works won’t accepted) from musicians of any nationality and of any age.

The selected work will be performed as overture for a contemporary opera doublebill, La scuola di guida by Nino Rota and La cantante by Maurizio Agostini on Sunday July 17th in Trg Evrope / Piazza della Transalpina, Nova Gorica (SLO) / Goriza (IT) in an open-air performance. A professional video version of show will be made and published online.

The selected work should have an approximate length of 8 up to 15 minutes and should be for a chamber instrumental group, with or without electronics, of: 2 violins, viola, cello, double bass, flute, oboe, clarinet in B/bass clarinet, bassoon, horn, trumpet, percussions (1 player), piano/keyboard.

The organisation will assign a fee of € 1,000.00 for this production.

The deadline to send the proposals is 23rd May 2022 at 23.59.


The scores of the compositions must be submitted in PDF format, either attached to an email or downloadable through a permanent URL, sent the to the following e-mail address: info@piccolofestival.org.

Canditates may also include audio / visual files of the work, although this is not obbligatory.

All URLs for downloading materials must link to PDF, mp3 or mp4 files. Youtube, Soundcloud, Vimeo or other permanent links will also be accepted. Links with expiry dates (wetransfer, yousendit, etc.), as well as files bigger than 20MB, won’t be accepted. If the URL indicated in the form is incorrect or does not work, the organisation will not contact the concerned artists asking them to correct it. The permanent link from which it is possible download the materials must be sent by email to the email address: info@piccolofestival.org.

It should be specified in the subject / body of the message the full name of the composer and the composition title.


Artistic value as well as technical viability will be considered.

The Jury decision it is final.

The organisation will contact the selected artists by e-mail

The results of this call will be published at www.piccolofestival.org and www.go2025.eu during the month of May 2021.

Participation in this call implies the acceptance of these terms and conditions




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