This year the Piccolo Festival celebrates its XVII edition, attracting more attention of opera lovers from throughout the Alps-Adriatic area and beyond. The variety of landscapes and the beau-ty of historic places transformed into exceptional settings offer a unique experience. Tailor-made productions of young and talented artists are able to satisfy even the most demanding experts of the opera. The diversity of castles and landscapes is echoed in the quality of the gastronomic de-lights, prepared by some of the most prestigious chefs in the region, thus creating a unique blend of sounds, flavours and sensations.
The following is all the information needed to create a unique experience at the Piccolo Opera Fes-tival of Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Further information on Friuli Venezia Giulia can be found on the Turismo FVG
The Collio area is located on the eastern border of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and can be reached:
- by train (arrival at the Cormons station) from Venice and Trieste.
See links - by plane arriving at the Trieste Airport (15 minutes) and the Venice Airport (80 minutes)
- by car from Venice (90 minutes), from Klagenfurt, Austria (105 minutes) and from Ljubljana, Slovenia (75 minutes)
Friuli Venezia Giulia is quite a small region, in fact it’s only an hour’s drive from the Alps to the coast and the beaches of the Adriatic Sea. As each area has its own unique characteristics, it’s up to you to decide if you want to stay locally among the rolling green hills and vineyards of the Collio area, or in one of the bustling cities such as the Central European Trieste, or perhaps you would enjoy enjoy staying in a seaside resort such as Grado, offering its own vast selection of accommo-dation.
Il programma del Piccolo Festival del Friuli Venezia Giulia offre anche l’opportunità di incontrare la variegata e genuina tradizione gastronomica della Regione, la qualità dei suoi vini bianchi famosi in tutto il mondo con otto zone DOC (di prima qualità)! Un mix di sapori e profumi, frutto di un mix etnico e culturale di tre grandi tradizioni culinarie: la mitteleuropea, la veneziana e la slava.
The programme of the Piccolo Festival of Friuli Venezia Giulia also offers the opportunity to experi-ence the varied and genuine gastronomic tradition of the Region, the quality of its world-famous white wines from the eight DOC areas (of the highest quality)! A mixture of flavours and aromas, the result of an ethnic and cultural mix of three great culinary traditions, those of the Central European, Venetian and Slavic traditions.
Prior to the concert, it is possible to take a guided tour of all the castles either with the owner or with one of the guides from the Friuli Venezia Giulia Tourist Guide Association; founded in 1955, it is one of the oldest in Italy. The Association of Tourist Guides of Friuli Venezia Giulia, our partner, is regis-tered with the ANGT (Association of National Tourist Guides), a member of the Fédération Euro-péene des Associations de Guides.
All events at the Festival will begin with an opening talk prior to the performance at a designated location. A musicologist and an expert of the ballet will present the story, the plot, and the pro-gramme along with technical details and curiosities about the production. In some cases the artists themselves can be expected to participate. In recent editions the talks were given by the musicolo-gists Rino Alessi, Valentino Sani, Alessio Screm and the composer Federico Gon.